How to avoid ending up in a nursing home

How to avoid ending up in a nursing home

The first thing you need to do is look around your home and make sure you clear up any clutter. You need to be able to easily move around your home without having unnecessary items laying around that could block your ability to move around safely. Next, look at your...
My parents are ageing, what should I do?

My parents are ageing, what should I do?

Understanding the aged care system and how to navigate it is an absolute mind field. There are loads of acronyms, confusing jargon, multiple assessments, financial implications, and a myriad of options which adds to confusion and stops people dead in their tracks from...
How to get home help for my parents

How to get home help for my parents

As our parents ago, they might need some extra care and support with certain tasks to help them stay as independent as possible. There are many different services that your parents can access though the government funded supports. This first step is to assess the...